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Lana WorkShop
What our Students say

Dear Lana,
I am finally getting the last step! I would like to thank you for this amazing learning process, I will always bring with me all the cares and skills learnt.
I will continue to improve my painting skill, especially on white biflex.
All this journey was very important and I hope one day I will meet you.
Thank you again for everything!

Hi Svetlana,
Wow I do not really believe I have come this far. I learned a lot. This is the first time for me to make a gymnastic leotard and despite all the complexity of it I enjoyed every moment.
There are many things to practice more and with your help I realized what I still need to work on and what details to pay attention to.
I am continuing with you to a design course and I am sure it will give me a lot more knowledge and experience
Wow ... really excited.
Thank you

Hi Svetlana,
This journey have taught me a lot. This was first time for me to make gymnastic leotard and I love to make it. I noticed that there is many things that I need to do again to practise more but now I know what are my weak spots. I have got many new ideas and I will use them to make skating costumes. I'll hope in some day you will have course to make skating costumes also. Thank you very much!

Dear Svetlana! Today it’s like I’m having a holiday that you gave me. I did it, I did it! Thank you very much for this opportunity! A year ago, my daughter started working out. gymnastics, and then I began to scroll through the pages of the Internet, looking at different swimsuits. And who would have thought then that I would dare to sew such beauty myself). I've been dreaming about your courses since the summer. Only about yours! I don’t regret it at all and I’m only proud that I took this course. THANK YOU again for your attention to each student and for this invaluable experience! There are so many ideas in my head! And now I’m not afraid to try to bring them to life!

Svetlana, I would like to express my deep gratitude for the knowledge you provided in this course. It's a little sad that it has come to an end. We will miss your voice, the musical accompaniment and the environment you provided for this course. This is exactly the case when, on New Year’s Day, Santa Claus, in the person of my husband, gave me a sewing machine and an overlocker :) From absolute scratch, I started working on them. I didn’t even know how to thread the threads. Today in front of me is a finished doll product and a beautiful applique. I am happy that I was able to try to realize myself and take the first step towards a big dream! Thank you